Thursday, May 24, 2012

My Hunger Games Review and Stormy Stories

So last night, I finished the last Hunger Games book.  I have to say, I liked them.  They were certainly better than Twilight.  (Okay, I can't judge fairly since I haven't read Twilight and I'm not going to unless someone comes up with a really good argument) I'm just not the type of girl who likes to read straight romance novels.  It's like drinking maple syrup.  I do, however, love it when romance comes into play in a novel in a significant way, so long as the book still has some semblance of a plot if the romance component were removed.

So, Hunger Games, yes, you were good.  And yes, I read you very quickly, so you weren't a drag.  Story line was good, and now I finally understand all these Hunger Games things I see on the internet.  Was it worth my time?  Yes.  Were they good books?  Yes.  Great, even.  Would I read them again?  Probably.  Will I become a screaming fangirl?  Most likely not.

Though this picture made me laugh so hard last night...

((URG, can't find it... I'll edit this later when and if I find it... you'll just have to wait in suspense until then...MWHAHAHA!!))

Last night it stormed, as it did all of today, and I couldn't sleep and being the girl I am, I came up with yet another story idea- Storm Children.  Four kids are born on the same night during a vicious storm.  Elysia, the child of lightning, Farren, the son of thunder, Raina "Rain" (guess...) and Ciro, our narrator, the son of wind.

Rain is the daughter of a gypsy woman and is born outdoors in the pouring rain.  Hence, her name.

Elysia is born as lighting strikes, illuminating her home as if it were day.  I can't remember who her parents were.

The next town over, Farren is born a few minutes later, his first cries drowned out by the sound of thunder.  Can't remember his family status either, only that he ends up movie to Elysia's village, or maybe it was the other way around.

Ciro is the most interesting.  His first breath is stolen by the wind and somehow he is carried away and taken by the wind, becoming the wind in a way.  Ciro's a bit of an invisible ghost.  At this point.  He finds his way to Elysia and Ferren's village, as does Rain.  Something happens.  I have no plot at this point.  But I like the idea of a story that addresses an issue with society; having it set in a dystopian society, like the Hunger Games or Birthmarked.  Like I said, this was 11 o clock last night...

The most interesting thing about Storm Children is that I'm planning to write it in 2nd person present tense.  As in, "The moment you drew your first breath, the Wind itself stole it away from you.  You hear your mother screaming, "Ciro!  Ciro!" But there's nothing you can do..." (the YOU narrator being Ciro, if that wasn't obvious enough.)  For the times Ciro's not there, I'll use 3rd person... just an idea.  I'm crazy.

Oh, looking at colleges and I think I found one- Concordia College at Moorhead!  so... I'm happy again.  okay... gonna go play Jewel Craft... I mean, clean my room... ;)

1 comment:

  1. "Like drinking maple syrup" - hah, my thoughts exactly! Glad you read Hunger Games and liked it...they are rather fun. *condescendingly ;)*

    Hope that your new idea works out! I find that characters are the best place to start an idea...if they're good enough (and yours sound so), the plot will come. Also, 2nd person will be amazing! I've always wanted to try that....
