Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Surprise and my Mind is a Crazy and Strange Place

I auditioned for the community college's play with a cast of 11 for extra credit and managed to land a part- I'm the Little Nun in House of Blue Leaves.  It's a weird play-very weird, but still.

Wow.  Okay.  Still getting used to the idea.  I did NOT think in a million years that I would get a part.  This is a massive change from the last play I was in, where I was excited about it a year and a half before auditions.  Just came to school Monday- oh, there's auditions today.  I get extra credit for my theater class if I audition- eh, what they hey?  Let's give it a shot.

Yeah.  I'm going to be insane.  I've got a massive history presentation worth 20% of my grade due in 2 weeks.  My topic is Archaic Greece.  My focus, I'm hoping, will be comparing the Greek myths of Herakles to the Disney movie Hercules.  *crosses fingers*  I agonized over this focus peoples, AGONIZED.
If all else fails:
-The Strange and Puzzling History of the Greek Gods and Goddesses- they did some pretty odd stuff.  Athena came out of Zeus's head, literally.  Like Zeus had a headache, had someone chop his head open with an ax and Athena (or Athene) came out.  NO JOKE.

-Comparing myths to fairy tales- Cupid and Psyche to East of the Sun West of the Moon, Pandora's box to Bluebeard...but will I get 10 minutes out of this?  Would also require massive reading of fairy tales and myths and time that I do not have.

-Comparing myths to their modern counterparts-Herakles/Hercules is a specific example of this, but I thought of using Percy Jackson and the like-problem?  Haven't read Percy Jackson.

-Greek constellations and the stories behind them. Problem?  Most constellations are known by their Roman names...

Idea this morning:
Retelling the bible story of Esther, in high school, with a mafia gang.
X is the "king" of a "mafia" thing that hates a certain group of people and wants to kill them.  When X catches his girl cheating on him, he chooses Star, a quiet beautiful girl (much like Belle) rather forcefully to be his new girl.  She is part of this group he hates, and spends most of her time hanging out with her cousin Morrie. X's right hand man, Ham (? name) hates Morrie and they're big enemies.  X grows to really love Star, and she grows to tolerate him.  Ham decides that he's had enough of these people their gang hates and decides that they should get rid of them once and for all.  Now it's up to Star to save her people.
What if Star's people were like fairies or something like that? 0.0  I'll have to mull over that for a while.

My mind is a crazy and strange place..."don't judge my crazy!  I don't judge yours!"

Friday, September 7, 2012

Something Random This Way Comes


Anything else I need to say?

No, not really.  Just spent a bunch of time on facebook when I should've been working on homework.  Been listening to Suessical soundtrack, and Hercules, half-wishing I was a guy so that I could sing "Alone in the Universe" and "Go the Distance" and "Proud of Your Boy" a deleted song from Aladdin.  Is my lack of a Y chromosome going to stop me from singing this song?  No way, Jose.  I've already sung "Proud of Your Girl" and worked on "Alone in the Universe" last night.  Also made up a tune to my friend Myriah's lyrics, "My Soul Has a Song"  She wanted a country song, and I don't listen to a lot of country, but I think I did pretty good.  (Here's a video of me just playing it.  For the 5th time ever.)
Yeah, I screwed up, but it works.  I'm going to have to work on it and get a nicer version up later.  Sound country?

Need to go do homework.  But my goodness, I love my webcam.  So much.

Bye, Haili's out.

REMIND ME LATER: Get your writing reviewed, but you retain copyright- all they can do is show people.  And once you take the writing down, you retain all rights and can publish it and stuff.  And they do novels.  Yay!