Anyway, here's what it looks like:

I immediately saw it and thought of a tiara. I've always wanted to wear a tiara for prom because it's the one night of your life that you get to be a princess before your wedding. I completely missed out on the cute little girl princess stage (I seriously never got a single Disney princess dress-up dress while my sister had a whole crate- I just wasn't interested) I'm making up for it now. Anyway, I found a few tiaras that matched it.
But I just couldn't get this little number out of my head:

It's $12 and it would be perfect on a small half-bun style like Belle wears. And I'm not complaining about the price. It's cheaper than Claire's! Still, it's gold and wouldn't match the silver of my prom dress, so I had all but given up on this little simple circlet.
Until I remembered one tiny detail: I can't wear my prom dress for my piano recital! Or homecoming (if I go...who knows?) As much as I loved my purple dress, in my heart, I still kinda wanted a yellow "Belle" dress. And when I remembered my earlier fascination with Disneybound, I thought, what if I Disneybounded this? So I've spent the last hour or so on the internet looking for a $50 or less yellow ruffled dress or a yellow dress with roses that would go with this, and it has to have straps. I'm not liking the strapless thing very much, especially for a piano recital. But a lot of the dresses have ruffles and flowers in places that would be highly unflattering on me but would look great on Elli (the bust area-yep, we're the extremes, I'm huge, she's tiny. Not fair, but still) And then there's this great one shoulder dress with roses on it that would be lovely, but it's not going to look good, I can already tell. Oh yeah, did I mention it had to be modest? And that it either has to be knee length or floor length, nothing inbetween or I look shorter than I am? Yeah.
This looks promising, if not really short. |
This is pretty, but a bit much for a piano recital...sigh $55, too... |
Let's pay $40 for a fitted t shirt that got mauled by an angry person with scissors... and call it a dress! |
Like I need sparkles there...and this is a shirt, not a dress. |
Uh, looks like you forgot a piece of the pattern...can I have some fabric with my dress? |
This is called Nom de "One Jump" from Aladdin is stuck in my head... one jump ahead of my doom, next time, gonna use a nom de plume... Looks like a skating costume though. |
Okay, done making fun of random immodest dresses... I need to go to bed.
I'm on the skit team for Vacation Bible School at my church this year. It's my last year, and I was hoping for a bigger part. Most girls just end up being sheep or something. This year's theme is The Luminous Mysteries, which is another way of talking about Jesus' ministry (Baptism in the Jordan, Wedding at Cana, Transfiguration, Institution of the Eucharist...something else I can't remember...) Anyway, the skits always do a wacky theme like Inspector Gadget, the Jetsons, game show... this year's theme was suggested by none other than me and Elli!
Elli used to sing this song on the way to church: "We're off to see Jesus, the wonderful Son of God!" sung to the tune of "We're off to see the Wizard"
...and yes, you've guessed it- we are totally doing Wizard of Oz theme this year! whohoo! It was like my favorite movie as a child. And we just got parts today! And I'm...not Dorothy, but I'm Glinda! The smart one who gives dimwitted Dorothy and her even dumber companion Scarecrow a Bible and tells them to find Jesus. This means...I have to wear pink! ek. Oh well, the things I do for drama... wonder what sort of costume I'll get? Find out on August 5th, I guess.
G'night people...
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