I'm too busy getting distracted by random stuff on pintrest and facebook and buying a laptop. (maybe-we'll see.)
In other news, Haili has been very busy. Today she went to tutor training at her community college to learn how to be a writing tutor and offered to write a little blurb for the school newspaper about NaNoWriMo to see if she could get a group of people together for write-ins and stuff.
Why am I writing in third person? Just another Really Random Me Moment...yep.
So...yeah. I got a job! I help people with their papers...so if you know me and know where I go to school (PSEO, not high school) come see me if you need help! I'll be there Tuesday and Thursday mornings and Friday afternoons, plus one random hour on Wednesday at 2...but hey, it pays $8 an hour and I work 15 hours and get paid for training, so I've already earned...$52. Nice. And I Disneybounded my tutor picture- blue striped shirt and a white rose-lace trimmed cami, complete with a blue hairbow as a headband. Can you guess? Also had to take my senior picture with a panther for the yearbook Tuesday. I brought When the Stars Fall and the panther read it with me.
I've also discovered that two things can go together. Fairy tales + Bible verses = one happy Haili.
Whilst planning my novel for November (or looking for Beauty and the Beast wallpapers for my desktop...one of those options might be more truthful than the other) I stumbled across this wallpaper showing Adam (the beast) during/after his transformation.

And it dawned on me that bible verses could go with fairy tales. I mean, fairy tales and the Bible are kind of teaching the same thing- how to live a better life. The fairy tales just go about it in a more entertaining and sometimes odd/disgusting way, that's all. (Though you Prodestants don't know what you're missing- Tobit is a fretting awesome book. Tobit goes blind because he didn't put cloth over his eyes, slept outside and birds pooped on his eyes and he got cataracts. Then the archangel Raphael comes down in disguise and helps Tobit's son Tobiah go on a journey, and free a woman from a demon that killed the last seven husbands she had...just read it.)
So, realizing this, I went into research mode. And found this gem: 1 Peter 3:3-4. And if this isn't Beauty and the Beast, I don't know what is.
"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight."
Or this:
"Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."
-1 Samuel 16:7
I've also discovered a theme in this novel: the theme of light and darkness. Being blind, Calista lives in literal darkness. Damien as well lives in shadow, but his darkness is more what's inside. Both have to overcome the darkness to find the light. Which is why this last verse is so awesome.
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
-John 1:5
And now this child needs to go live in darkness for a few hours and get some sleep- after she writes 5 pages, that is. And there I go with the 3rd person again...geez.
Adios, peoples!
Where was this when I was looking for a beauty and the beast dress?
Dress (clipped to polyvore.com)
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