Monday, August 6, 2012

Camp NaNoWriMo, VBS, and musicals

So, I'm doing Camp again, trying to finish.  And it seems to be working.  I've been giving myself a 30 minute word-war against the clock every night and it seems to be doing the trick.  I've gotten on average 4-5 pages done, which translates to 2,000-2,500 words. I started the month with 24,500 words, or 47 pages.  I just added 20 pages to that in the last 6 days (33,500 words) and FINALLY figured out Jennie and Micah's love theme in a way that it didn't sound like the soundtrack from How to Train Your Dragon... and fit well with Connie and Nolan's theme...and now I have them together! at last!
It's a perfect mystery under the stars!

VBS started today, and this year is the Luminous Mysteries! (link in case you don't know what those are)
I'm Glinda, the VBS volunteer!  I wear a pink tutu *scowl* pale pink shirt with tulle "wings" on the shoulders *scowl* Elli's pink flats, which are kinda small, even on me (they're 2's, if that gives you any idea.  She wore my shoes today on accident-we each have a pair of $5 "fairy-tale" black flats [they look like the flats from the Disney movies, so we call them fairy tale flats] hers are 2's, mine are 3's.  She's like "My shoes feel too big" Me: "Are you sure they're not mine?" They were.  Oh well.) oh, and a tiara.  (COOL!  I like tiaras!)

So let me set the record straight here:
I love fairy tales.  In every way shape and form, I am a total fairy tale freak.
I love Disney.  And magic. (Watched Beauty and the Beast last night with Elli *smiles insanely wide*
I DO NOT like pink, glitter, or otherwise insanely girly things, like tutus.
Pouffy ballgown?  If it's not pink, then yes.  Tiaras?  Definitely. I'll wear coral, but not pink.  Especially not in that abundance.  And I had a bad experience with glitter when I was the Fairy Godmother in Cinderella of Loreland (not Disney...) The glitter would not come off for weeks, and in every picture I took I have shining triangles on my cheeks.  We used glitter eyeshadow all over me.  And the last performance- well, let's just say they were trying to get rid of the glitter.  By slathering it all over me.  I was glittery for two weeks. No joke.

Also just got a whole bunch of soundtracks and musicals and Disney music from the library.  Beauty and the Beast and Little Mermaid on Broadway. (She's in Love, Me...ah!  great songs! One Step Closer...) I have the soundtrack for How to Train Your Dragon and I love listening to it because every character has an instrument.
Toothless specifically=French horn (or so I think)
and Hiccup, our hero? A Tin Whistle.  And it fits him perfectly. :)

Gotta go.  It's late and Glinda needs her beauty sleep...

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