Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Random Quotes During the Past Few Days

Analyzing Dave and the Giant Pickle on Sunday over Elli's birthday dinner:
Dad: He must be a dill, because he sure isn't sweet
Elli: He's a giant pickle!  What's not to love?
(Elli once got a jar of pickles for Christmas.  Pretty sure it was her favorite present.  Not lying.  Just to give you some perspective)
All the while, I'm wondering "What if VeggieTales had stuck closer to the original Bible story and had Dave cut of Goliath's head?  Kids would just think someone cut a pickle.  But it's Nightmare Fuel for the Veggies.  Think about that from a Veggie perspective *shudder* On second thought, don't, if you're a vegetarian!!!

Elli playing with bubbles during a severe thunderstorm watch and there's 4 bubbles sticking together.
Me: Oh look, it's a baby!
Elli: ????
Me: That's what babies look like like two seconds after they're conceived.  Don't you know any biology?

And this, rather embarrassing gem:
Me: Look!  It's a multicellular organization!
Elli: Organization?
Me: I mean orgasm.  (realize what I just said)  No no NO!  I meant ORGANISM!!! ORGANISM!!!!
(Elli is not mortified enough to have comprehended this)
Me: Do you even know what an orgasm is?
Elli: No.
Me: Oh.  Good.  I didn't say it.  Forget it.

Spent the weekend camping with my family and my aunts and uncles and my cousin- oh, and three of Elli's friends from heart camp. (she has a pacemaker, and Camp Odayin is a camp for kids with heart problems.)  If you want something funny, watch The Secret World of Arrietty with a bunch of heart kids.  (and Arrietty- what a beautiful name!!! Wish I could use it.  It's like a fancy Aria)  Anyway, lots of fun, lots of skeeter bites.  I HATE getting them on my fingers and feet.  Guess where I got them?  Yep. *wrinkles nose and scowls*

I'm 17 and a half- officially.  Elli and I are exactly 2 and 1/2 years apart, to the freaking hour.  Not kidding.  December 10th, 1994, 6:54 pm=me June 10th, 1997, 7:02 pm=her.  Kinda scary when you think about it.

Umm... just wasted most of the day watching versions of fairy tales on Youtube.  Do you know how many versions of Cinderella there are?  Seriously, it's the most over-re-told fairy tale out there.  My favorite? Ever After.  Seriously.  Love it.

Had a mission meeting today.  I'm going to an Indian reservation in ND to run a residential VBS camp for 1st and 2nd graders.  I'm on the skit team, and our theme is "Love Never Fails"  So we're doing "The Lion King" and having Timon and Puumba teach Simba and Nala how to love and be friends.  Since our skit team is 2 guys and 2 girls and we have 3 guy parts and 1 girl, I ended up being Simba!  Haha!  Makes me happy.  Apparently, the kids there love the Lion King and that movie was watched like 5 million times last year.  Wouldn't know, cuz I wasn't there.  But should be fun!

That's it for now.

CAMP NANO UPDATE: 12,000 words.
"A Day in the Life"- don't ask. >( One verse is a major accomplishment.
"Princess at Heart"- FINISHED!!!!! I have finished my first song!!! WOOHOO!!! The tune is my own original that I rediscovered yesterday and set to rediscovered lyrics.  The tune was 4 measures long and aptly titled "Unexpected Triumph"
"That Girl" - mostly written, lyrics are pretty much done, just need to add them to my Noteflight thing.

There's something odd about that girl
There's something not quite right
There's something strange about that girl
Like something's changed overnight

I don't know what to do with her
She's not the same; anyone can see that

There's something odd about that girl
There's something not quite right
There's something strange about that girl
Like something's changed overnight

It's like she's forgotten everything
That we worked so hard to teach her
What's wrong with her?  It's beyond me to tell

What's odd about that girl
What is not quite right
What's so strange about that girl
What has changed overnight?

Oh, that girl!!
"Perfect Mystery" Jennie and Micah's love theme.  Less done.  Have lyrics, but the tune keeps changing so that I can fit it in with "Under the Stars" Also needs verses.
How did this come to be?
How did it work so perfectly?
It doesn't really matter to me.
It's a perfect mystery.
Perfect mystery.

"Under the Stars" Connie and Nolan's love theme.  Chorus is done, both music and lyrics.  Need to write a verse or two.

Here with you
Under the stars tonight
Love so true
And it feels so right
When you're here
By my side
It's crystal clear
This night is ours
Here with me
Under the stars

"That Girl (reprise)" more done than the first.  Just because the lyrics are done and the tune's the same. (villain's song)

There' something odd about that girl
There's something not quite right
There's something strange about that girl
Like something's changed overnight

It's got to be more than just something that she saw.
It's got to be more than what they say it is. 

There's something odd about that girl
There's something not quite right
There's something strange about that girl
Like something's changed overnight

I know it's more, it has to be. 
She's changed not once but twice. 
It's almost as if she's two different people.


I know what's odd about that girl
I know what's not quite right
I know what's strange about that girl
Something has changed overnight

Yes, those girls!!!

"Under the Stars/Perfect Mystery" a mosh of both love themes.  Here's the start I've got:

That's it for now

Friday, June 8, 2012

Exciting things!!!

1. I discovered my hair is long enough to put in twoww.thisisart.com/name braids. Why is this exciting?  I've always loved twin braids for no reason at all.  Ever since I was a little girl.  My inexplicable love of The Wizard of Oz may have had something to do with it, maybe not.  And Little House on the Prairie.  However, I keep cutting my hair short and deciding I want long hair again.  Then I cut it, grow  it, cut it, grow it... it never stops.
2. I FINALLY have a tune for the song that's been driving me nuts, "A Day in the Life" And 2 lines of lyrics!!! I will get this song, I WILL get this song.  I'm counting my Camp NaNo by pages- I'm doing 100 pages in a month, but I convert it so that each page=500 words. (50000 words divided by 100 pages=500) Anyway, now I'm keeping up with my noveling cabinmates.  So that's nice.
3. I've decided to learn French.  Just because.

Other updates- I got a ACT study program.  I NEED to get at least a 30 to get a scholarship to Concordia (full ride for 4 years- I'm halfway there!  I need a gpa of 3.9 and mine is *checks gpa* Well, they haven't updated it yet, but last semester it was 4.353 and I made straight A's this semester.  My PSEO classes are weighted so straight A's in high school-4.0 and straight A's PSEO >4.0)  Anyway, my practice test was a 25, so I need to work on that.  However, I took the test with my brothers playing Madden NFL and my sister having Nancy Drew issues next to me.  Did I mention I was timed?  Yeah.

I'm listening to multilanguage Disney songs and got a music book of Disney songs from the library. :D Old ones, (book published in 1985, which means no Beauty and the Beast, no Little Mermaid, no Aladdin... :( still...)

Elli's birthday is Sunday.  She has this stomach issue so the doctor told her to stay off milk for 2 weeks a week ago.  No ice cream cake.  I made her a sherbet angel food cake instead.  I myself am not so good with the dairy, but I take lactase.  lactate?  whatever.

Oh, yeah, and MY NOVEL CAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I don't have pictures (yet) but it came in the mail yesterday.  My dad started to open it.  We have this problem a lot, since his name is Michael Allen G. and I'm Michaila- stuff comes for MICHAEL A. and MICHAILA.  Good thing I don't spell my name MICHAELA or we'd REALLY be screwed.  It's bigger than I thought it would be, and the back isn't as readable as I thought it would be.  I've found 3 or 4 typos already (double commas, forgot quotation marks- those little things the perfectionist in me cringes at- and the stupid microsoft word changing didnt' to didn't'.  Does that to me a lot.  found it in my novel.  grrr.)

got to go.  Adios people

Monday, June 4, 2012

When you talk in song lyrics...

After this video made my friend Cy's day:
we were talking on the phone, seeing if he'd watch our new kitten Mocha this weekend while we were camping.  (Oddly enough, Mocha loves cantaloupe... weird, right?)  Anyway, Elli was talking to him, and I told her to tell him that I was "still alive"  So here's the conversation:

Haili: Tell him I'm still alive
Cy: We'll that's a triumph.
Haili: Yep, making a note here: huge success
Cy: It's hard to overstate my satisfaction about that
Haili: Why don't we have some cake?

Keep in mind, this was all spoken.  Not sung.  It was really funny, especially since Elli was playing mediator since I was driving.

I saw 2 police cars, 2 ambulances (one of which was going the wrong way down a one-way street I was on- yikes!  I had a red light and it went in the other side) and a fire truck.  Wonder what happened?  They half scared me to death.

Okay, on to wasting time.  For those of you who care: Camp NaNo=2,600 words.  I fail.  Miserably.

My excuses:
Friday: I don't remember, but I had one.  Oh yeah, I was doing mission hours all day.  5 hours!  Woohoo!
Saturday: Wedding.  All day.
Sunday: wasn't allowed on computer until my room was clean
Monday: babysat all day

When I did work on it, I worked on stupid things like this:
 And of course, I had to make the characters with this lovely dress up game that's inspired by Disney.  WARNING:  Will cause you to waste massive amounts of time.  But here it is anyhow.  Enjoy.

And this.  (yes, again with the Noteflight, Haili...)  This is the beginning of "That Girl" which has been stuck in my head all day.

Oh, and I'm learning to play this:

So epic!  Okay- I'm gonna go try to write now...