Friday, June 8, 2012

Exciting things!!!

1. I discovered my hair is long enough to put in braids. Why is this exciting?  I've always loved twin braids for no reason at all.  Ever since I was a little girl.  My inexplicable love of The Wizard of Oz may have had something to do with it, maybe not.  And Little House on the Prairie.  However, I keep cutting my hair short and deciding I want long hair again.  Then I cut it, grow  it, cut it, grow it... it never stops.
2. I FINALLY have a tune for the song that's been driving me nuts, "A Day in the Life" And 2 lines of lyrics!!! I will get this song, I WILL get this song.  I'm counting my Camp NaNo by pages- I'm doing 100 pages in a month, but I convert it so that each page=500 words. (50000 words divided by 100 pages=500) Anyway, now I'm keeping up with my noveling cabinmates.  So that's nice.
3. I've decided to learn French.  Just because.

Other updates- I got a ACT study program.  I NEED to get at least a 30 to get a scholarship to Concordia (full ride for 4 years- I'm halfway there!  I need a gpa of 3.9 and mine is *checks gpa* Well, they haven't updated it yet, but last semester it was 4.353 and I made straight A's this semester.  My PSEO classes are weighted so straight A's in high school-4.0 and straight A's PSEO >4.0)  Anyway, my practice test was a 25, so I need to work on that.  However, I took the test with my brothers playing Madden NFL and my sister having Nancy Drew issues next to me.  Did I mention I was timed?  Yeah.

I'm listening to multilanguage Disney songs and got a music book of Disney songs from the library. :D Old ones, (book published in 1985, which means no Beauty and the Beast, no Little Mermaid, no Aladdin... :( still...)

Elli's birthday is Sunday.  She has this stomach issue so the doctor told her to stay off milk for 2 weeks a week ago.  No ice cream cake.  I made her a sherbet angel food cake instead.  I myself am not so good with the dairy, but I take lactase.  lactate?  whatever.

Oh, yeah, and MY NOVEL CAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I don't have pictures (yet) but it came in the mail yesterday.  My dad started to open it.  We have this problem a lot, since his name is Michael Allen G. and I'm Michaila- stuff comes for MICHAEL A. and MICHAILA.  Good thing I don't spell my name MICHAELA or we'd REALLY be screwed.  It's bigger than I thought it would be, and the back isn't as readable as I thought it would be.  I've found 3 or 4 typos already (double commas, forgot quotation marks- those little things the perfectionist in me cringes at- and the stupid microsoft word changing didnt' to didn't'.  Does that to me a lot.  found it in my novel.  grrr.)

got to go.  Adios people

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