Guilty of most of these, especially 4 and 5...
On another random note, my hair, if you don't already know, is pretty short. It's layered (because it's super thick) and just brushes my shoulders. Usually it's puffed out, like this:

Anyway, my mom spends most of her time trying to make her hair pouffy while I spend the day I take my shower trying to tame my wild locks. The day after the shower, it looks like I want it to. But then I have to take a shower again, and the whole cycle starts over. Anyway, today I just said "to heck with it" and had my mom pull my hair back into one french braid (regular braids are impossible, but I can pull off a french) just so that it was not around my head like a lion's mane...and I would know:

Well, the payoff for tidy hair is that what's left at the bottom of the braid is this teeny tiny tail of hair. It's about an inch long and is very thin. I feel like one of those princes or pirates with their little ponytails. It's very fun to play with...okay, I'm done.
Word count update: 39,500. YAY! (71 pages) Biggest concern: I'm just about finished with Act 2 (I'll get no more than 5 more pages out of Act 2) and Act 3 is already 1/5 finished (I wrote the first scene of Act 3 first, so that's in my page count) I'm concerned that I'm not going to get 100 pages...MORE MUSICAL NUMBERS!!! And maybe a sword fight or two... more twin switching? Nolan and Micah have embarrassing moments when they realize that they're professing their love to the wrong twin? *tehe*
Was editing When the Stars Fall today on the way to a family reunion and read a part where Halyn is talking to a guy named M. Now he's been named M since December 2010, when I came up with the story. I had no problem with the name until today, when I read her line "M..." as "mmm..." as in yummy. This is problematic. Now, M's full name is Martin- I named him and his twin brother after my own brothers. But I don't like him being known as Martin, so I decided to give him a name. I'm down to 2, maybe 3: Matt and Max.
Which sounds better: Matthew and Daniel Gailbraith, or Maxwell and Daniel Gailbraith? Matt and Dan or Max and Dan? Max Gailbraith or Matt Gailbraith? (He would go by Matt or Max for the majority of the book... there are a few moments where he would go by his full name.) Also wondering about Mike or Gus. Moe? He's kind of a quiet guy, and M suits him pretty well. He doesn't say much, but he's very good at what he does, just doesn't socialize very much. But "his" scene is so amazing and he knows just what to say. Except I'm reading it thinking that Halyn wants to eat him or kiss him or something because she calls him "mmm"
Matt or Mat? I like the idea of the same number of letters. (They are twins, you know.) Is Mat too weird?
I cannot do Mark or Marcus because Esteban's (my MMC) little brother is named Marcos...
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