It turned out that most of the stores didn't open until 10:00. I was at the stores at like 9. So I ended up going to the one store that was open on a whim- Kohl's. We frequent this store often and I knew they had some formals, but I was really banking on some consignment stores and Goodwill to have a nice dress. Not Kohls. But Kohl's had a $78 dress on sale for 60% off, and my mom had an additional 15% off (like I said, we go to Kohl's a lot. My parents will walk out of there after paying $300 for a whole bunch of stuff and having saved like $900 [yes, we've saved $900 at Kohl's before- see why we like it? Most of my dress shirts and dresses that aren't handmade are from this store]) So anyway, the dress was around $25. And I was done shopping and it wasn't even 10 in the morning yet! Yay! So I went to the library and waited for lunch...
Prom was really awesome and I had a great time. If you're curious about the post title, the ticket to Catholic Prom was $20 and that included mass, food, and entertainment. Dress + Ticket= $45 (approximately) If you don't count my shoes or accessories, which I already had. The shoes were about $20 I think and they're fairly new- they're the heels I got to go with my easter dress- the silver ones. My red dress had a silver buckle and I think they complemented quite nicely. Still, that was $65 including the shoes- still well under $100 and not too far over $50. The necklace I wore was a gift, and my hair accessory was also a gift- my little tiara. There were two girls at prom, one named Sophie whom I dubbed Cinderella, because of her sparkling blue ball gown and jeweled headband and bun (she was brunette- that was the only difference. She even had silver shoes! And the best part was- she didn't plan it) and the other name Claire whom I dubbed Belle, because of her GORGEOUS gold ball gown. It had a lace up back and the bodice was covered in tiny pearls and sparkles. Her skirt was all tulle and sparkles and it was huge! I was so jealous. ;) Not really, but I loved it. When I walked in, it was the first thing I noticed. It was a ton of fun and I met two girls who shared my love of fairy tales, told and retold. Whilst discussing Fairest and The Goose Girl and of course, Ella Enchanted, I told them about Beauty is Blind and not only did they love my title, but started spouting off stuff from the original fairy tale and when one started talking about Cupid and Psyche and I knew exactly what they were talking about... a friendship was born!
On to the explanation of the facebook thing above. For those of you who know me, you will know that my parents have not let me get a facebook for the longest time. Well, as of Sunday, I now have a facebook! My parents are kinda paranoid when it comes to internet. It's kinda funny- I don't have a curfew or anything, though I try to get home before midnight when I'm out and about (the only times I'm ever out that late anyway are when I'm a. babysitting, or b. at a few-and-far-between party, usually of the cast variety for a play. And even then, I call my mom or dad first to let them know) But when it comes to the internet, I made my own email at age 13 (the first really naughty thing I did- since I did it on my own- but once they figured out that I hadn't lied about my age to get it, they relented. They were trying to set up an email through quest for me, but it wasn't working. I just sped the process up.) I made a website a long time ago that no one ever looks at, but if you're interested, it's but it appears webs has taken it down. I made this blog, too, without their permission. But I'm really careful online about stalkers and stuff. That's why you won't see me posting where I live beyond something like my state, and why I use obscure nicknames for names on this blog to protect my identity. I even have an online last name I use when I don't want to use my real name. I have my real name on facebook, though. I had to give my mom my password, but only so she can see what I see. If I'm friends with someone she's not okay with or finds something she doesn't like, she's going to give me a chance to explain and/or fix it, and if I refuse, she has the right to change it for me. At least until I turn 18, which isn't that far away. I'm a good kid, and I don't think she's going to need to take those measures, but they're there just in case. And I told her no going on and messing with my status or posting in my name like other people's moms sometimes do. She said she wouldn't do that. I trust her.
On another happy note, I'm done with classes (you already know this most likely) at college and have to return my books. Only I was missing a CD set from my very expensive music textbook. And I have to return them before June 8th. But I had to find those CDs. And I found them today and I'm really happy. They've been missing almost all semester, so ironically, I never got to use them. But now at least I have them. So, YAY!
Things I like at this very moment:
M. J. Putney's books Dark Mirror and Dark Passage. I'm trying to get ahold of the next book, Dark Destiny. But it won't be released until July. It's about time traveling mages in 1804 and 1940 England. Just read it- it's good.
Margaret Peterson Haddix's The Missing books- Found, Sent, Sabotaged, and Torn. I just finished Torn and really like it. Again, time travel (wow, theme here I didn't plan) It's about missing kids from history (Virginia Dare, John Hudson, Richard, Duke of York, and Edward V, and Leiserl Einstein, to name a few) who were kidnapped out of their time by time travelers (don't remember why- adoption? Famous kids to be adopted?) Anyway, they're trying to fix all of history by putting the kids back. The main character, Jonah is one of the missing kids from history, and the last book, Revealed, is supposed to tell who he is. Between Torn and Revealed, there's supposed to be Caught (about Einstein's daughter) and Risked (supposedly set in Russia) I can't wait this long, people!!! This is why I hate reading new series. You have to wait so long in between books.
Oh, more good news. Finished typing Elli's novel the other day! Now she just has to edit- it's longer than she thought. She thought it was 6,000 words or something, but according to word, it's 7,515. Yay, Elli! And shhh- I'm buying her birthday presents, but I'm not telling because she's one of the two followers I have. Come on guys- if you read this, follow it so I know that you read it!!!
okay, I'm out
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