So... I'm always discovering new things. Today, I am supposed to be doing college-y stuff, like looking for applications, and scholarships, signing up for the ACT...looking for a job, emailing my old english professor to see if she'll recommend me to do student tutoring next semester... summer's slipping away, and senior year is already upon me... *yikes*
Instead, I discover two things. Pintrest. And DisneyBound. At the same time. Here's what I found on pintrest (via facebook)

Okay. You got me. I only care about Aladdin and Flynn at the end...
way ahead of you. Yeah, I almost died laughing.
Disneybound, for those of you who have not discovered it, makes outfits based on Disney characters (or in some cases, songs, as in "I see the light")

Elli wants this. Badly. I can see why.
Surprisingly enough, I'm not a fan of most of the Belle outfits (yes, there's about 3 versions of her yellow dress, most which I can't stand, one of her blue dress, and her green one. I like the green one)
This one's one of my favorites. It may have something to do with the fact I was reading TrudiRose's Gaston fanfiction this weekend...("Just Rewards" and "A Man of Stature"-Belle doesn't get out in time, Gaston knocks Adam unconscious and threatens to torture him if Belle won't marry him. Then the Enchantress curses Gaston to be a dwarf until he can find someone who loves him... when he breaks the curse, he even screws that up... but he fixes it. It's good. Read it.)
I like the guy inspired outfits better than the girls...

Especially this one-the ruffled shirt! And the boots!
The one yellow dress Belle one I don't hate... but am not terribly crazy about...

This is what I'm talking about...ugly!
Mrs. Potts!

Adorable! the shoes are awesome!
They did Phillipe!
I love this dress!
Enough Beauty and the Beast...
I can dress like Abu?
Awesome! (the hair bow!!!)
If Georgette were human, she'd definitely wear this... this is the most accurate one I've seen:
FOR NARNIA!!!!(sorry, couldn't resist that...)
Aww, Melody...

Gotta love the treble clef thing
and with her mommy-

Dinglehoppher- I mean, fork, earrings! Aww!
I was so confused about this one...feeling very stupid for not knowing what it was... I mean, there's no character named Wisp, is there?

...It's from
Brave, the Will-of-the-Wisps... Elli says. Me: oooooohhhhhhhh!!!!!! I get it now! *lightbulb* It's pretty...
Elli's been on a mission for a new swimsuit and I saw this one and thought of her:

How hard can it be to find a little girl's size twelve version of this? In a tankini, of course. No bikinis allowed in our house. I started looking- apparently, very hard.
This is adorable. I would wear this. No joke.
Then, of course, there's this-

*tilts head* Belle...Star Wars... Wait, is the Beast a wookie? WHAT?!? *mind blown*
Okay, I'm done with that... for now.
Blast from the past- remember all those magazine covers for Disney princesses I did a while back? Well, I discovered Prince ones... here goes...

Ceramic unicorns, apples, noses...frying pans... this thing's got it all. :D

Okay, I've seen this movie twice, so maybe that's why I don't find it super hilarious, but I do like "Top Chop: Naveen's mincing tips"
"Let's get down to business!" "Mysterious as the dark side of the moooon!" "What do we want? A girl worth fighting for!" Gotta love it when they shamelessly quote song lyrics
DRAGON, NOT LIZARD...*shakes head* Lucky crickets...
Hades' way to burn fat- with your flaming hair!
We dance, we kiss, we schmooze, we carry on... we go home happy.
Phil's boy...
Oh, note about
Hercules: as awesome a movie as it is, don't watch it the first night of a residential VBS camp for kids- they see baby Herc and ask, "Is that Jesus?" They get all confused... (not a smart idea, people...)
Willow Trees: more than just your average tree
JOHN SMITH: the person to watch this year- discovers a new world and makes friends with the chief- beat that!
Deadly pet tigers. All this for a loaf of bread?
Why Magic Carpet Rides are the perfect Romantic date...(well, duh!)
Genie says no...
And these- ads?

I love the villain ones... and look closely... The frying pan is made by Corona Co, the compass by Virginia Company. And 20 cents for the atlantis necklace? What a deal- can't even get a candy bar for that much anymore...and ultimate power? Wow.
Hey, these are new!

Mulan... haha!
Ever want love advice from the princesses?

Thank you, Jasmine.
Don't know if I've done these yet-
Always wanted to know how to make gooseberry pie...
That looks really cool- and of course it's National Geographic...
He looks kinda weird, but I like how he's holding the necklace.
No carrots. Prince Philip is one of my favorite princes- someone pointed out that he looks like a grown up Peter Pan... I still think
Sleeping Beauty should be called
Prince Philip because Philip's the main character- all Aurora does is sleep. Boring! This is good.

How to deal with crazy sisters-in-law... help get your sanity back-I never thought of dealing with them as sisters-in-law- ouch, Charming! Of Mice and Men- the tale of Jacques and Gus. Cinderella used a cleaning service?
How to deal with your wife's guy friends...haha. Someday my princess will come... nice.
Can't forget, an apple a day, Ferdinand.
Okay, wow:


I knew she was there!
hahahahahaha- Tarzan! Can't...stop...laughing!

I need to stop...

Ariel...Belle... They're all crying because if Snow White dies and fails, they'll never exist. Aww!

Don't they go good together?

Seriously, these people look like they're in the same movie

What is Adam doing to Shang? hmm...

Belle's face...! Apparently, Charlotte stole the Princes- but it looks like they all got em back.
Gaston keeps blowing out Hades' hair... haha


no really, literally.

Don't mess with the potions, people...
Aww, Belle and Rapunzel are friends (it's me and Elli! Reading together!)

Belle's so excited, Rapunzel's just in the zone. That's totally me and my sister...
Showed this to Elli and she says "That will be me someday, with my hair all over the bed..." (she wants long long hair...personally, I can't stand long hair. Once it starts getting caught in my armpits, I chop it like, my chin)
Me (Belle): Guess what, Elli? Here's where she meets Prince Charming, but she doesn't know it yet- that's not til chapter three.
Her (Rapunzel): Shut up, Haili. I don't care. I'm trying to read.
((so, so true... down to the way we're sitting. I always read (well, do EVERYTHING cross legged- except drive...) and she's always lying on her stomach. She's even the blond one (albeit dark blonde) with blue-green eyes, I'm the brown haired, hazel eyed one (and yes, Belle has hazel eyes-they said so on her profile thing. Plus all her merchandise has greenish brown eyes. Elli's got the side sweep thing, I've got the flyaway bangs with the one hair that won't pick a side. And I like to put my hair in ponytails and tie it with a big ribbon bow. I get so excited when I read. Elli likes painting, I like stories... it's kinda creepy. I like horses, she likes anything small and cute, so she'd love Pascal. We're both barefoot a lot, but I wear flats more than anything else. Oh, and her favorite movie's Tangled, and mine's Beauty and the Beast. Coincidence? I think not.))
And of course Merida and Mulan do archery together...

While Tiana and Snow White cook...

Pocahontas goes for a swim with Ariel...
And then everyone hangs out at Ariel's grotto:

Cinderella talks about shoes, Belle is extremely interested in Ariel's book- she's never read the real story of mermaids, Pocahontas makes fast friends with Flounder, and Jasmine and Ariel play "He loves me/He loves me not" Ariel makes a note to ask Eric to take her to Tiana's Place for their next date...
Disney Dance party!
Rapunzel takes them on a boating outing for her birthday party. (Love the reflection!)
Okay, really long post. I'm done now. For real.
Disney freak is over... maybe. For now.
oh, and by the way, I own nothing. They're from Disneybound and Petite Tiaras. Not trying to take anything, just share what I like. :D