Anyway, the girl I babysit just lives with her mom, so the bathroom of their apartment is completely decorated Disney princess style, which is awesome. And they have these magazine covers on the wall for decoration. I looked them up and found a whole bunch and I will put them below on this post because they make me smile (and you should read everything on them...they're funny...)

of course I would start with Beauty and the Beast "a great novel" that's my princess

pink v. blue!!! haha "I liked her before I knew she was a princess!" :)

Not terribly impressed, but I like the "gooseberry pie" bit

Prince Charming Confesses: "THAT'S NOT MY NAME!!!" hahahahaha...

Okay, Jasmine looks creepy in this. "A Whole New Girl" is kinda funny... but "Rajah gave me RABIES!" has to be the best... though I must confess, I have no clue who Rajah is... can't remember. must go watch Aladdin now...

Colors of the wind: the song Elli's skating to this year. "Meeko takes a bite out of life... and everything else in sight." hey, that almost rhymed...

Reflections of mulan... according to Mushu.. Mushu!!!! Must go find Mulan and watch it again now...

"We are the daughters of Triton!" "I'm not allowed to eat crab or fish anymore!" hahahaha... I never thought of that!

Yeah, don't know this story very well... though I do remember "Friends on the other side..." and "Louis' big musical breakthrough" sounds cool...

Okay, just watched this...And this is GOOD! I've always wondered how to make hazelnut soup. FRYING PANS!!! the SNUGGLY DUCKLING!!! FLYNN RIDER'S TRUE IDENTITY!! How can you not want to read this????? :D

Okay, Elli, here's to you... she loves Tink. "We were only trying to drown her!!!" that's my favorite... I wanna go to Neverland now! Darn it. How to make a statement with just the ring of a bell...Glad to know that's in there... I've always wanted to know that.

At least out loud.... I won't say I'm in love...
hehe... AIR-HERCS!!!
Nut...Meg. :D that should be on here somewhere. Funniest part of the movie.
Don't shoot me, but I did really like the sappy "I can go the Distance" song. Really. I'm serious.
Okay, moving on. I got a dress.
Okay, If is yelling at me, telling me I'm leaving Dodge bleeding to death on the streets of Chicago and that I should do something about that. OKAY, IF, I'M COMING!!!!
Haili Belle... (I wish...)
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