I've survived the week. Yay for me! Let me tell you how my week went
-edited "Changes" my original song I'm performing at MacPhail on Sunday
-took two music quizzes (aced them both)
-started studying for Astronomy test
-started music paper
-enjoyed the one peaceful night of my week
-started working on plot outline for a play for my writing class
-started thinking about what to do for 3 points of view scene for writing class
-visited with Mia and Lindsey after Astronomy- had to get coffee from the college's coffee shop because I was nodding off in class!
-reached the level of "Word Dynamo" on Dictionary.com during lunch
-wrote two poems for a poetry contest: "Storm Child" and "The Color of Sound" (I will post them in a separate post for organization's sake
-acted out my first scene (Act 1, Scene 1) at play practice. Was chased by a wolf, thought to be crazy, frightened by a beast and a magic looking glass, tempted to take a rose, and then nearly killed by said beast. The Beast and I have to work out a "dance move" (or something inspired by a dance move, anyway) to throw me across the stage safely. Should be interesting
-raced to dress rehearsal for Stations; stayed there till 9
-took notes for writing quiz while waiting for my turn to go on stage
-planned out 3 point of view scene
-studied for Astronomy test
-studied like a madwoman for astronomy test ((even during the youth group performance of Stations, but I was backstage))
-aced writing quiz, even though I studied only half the chapters (I thought it was 2 & 3, but it was also 5-7. Luckily, it was a short online quiz with a longer time limit and I knew how to use my book's glossary)
-studied even more for test- could not grasp the concept of Hydrogen fusion
-practiced a short scene'
-raced to Stations performance
-walked a long way through the rain (I love rain and storms- see "Storm Child")
-took my astronomy test *crosses fingers*
-finally settled on a plot outline- Letters from If (after going through several, well, two. Back Row Band and Shadow Stories. Got discouraged and ended up writing an outline for a 3 act play... took all day and was 3 pages long)
-started working on 3 points of view- Back Row Band
-did piano lessons in the morning and started a Beethoven Sonata
-stayed for play practice, but they were doing my scene last, so I spent most of it doing my plot outline.
-found out that we might be doing
The Secret Garden musical from pioneer drama next year, along with their version of
Rapunzel, which is supposed to be really funny, or
The Importance of Being Earnest. Was just chatting with our director and all of us juniors are begging her to do a musical next year for our last senior performance... wow, I feel old.
-ate at McDonalds for dinner (chicken sandwich and a parfait. Yum. now I'm hungry. Darn it)
-first "real" performance of Stations. went very well
-got home at 9:30 and stayed up till 11:30 writing my 3 points of view scene, since it was due at midnight. Another kid in my writing class who played Peter in the Stations posted his stuff at 11:15. Made me smile.
-went to bed
-got up at 6:00 am (crying because it was so early and I was so tired and stressed, literally)
-dragged myself out the door with a tuna and cheese sandwich for dinner, two granola bars, a can of Sunkist (the only caffeine I could find in the house- my mom didn't make coffee and I didn't have time to. It's orange juice, right? That was my reasoning for having it for breakfast) and a toast, cheese and egg sandwich for breakfast.
-studied for communications quiz
-took said quiz
-received my take home sociology test
-received a in class discussion sheet for sociology class
-also was assigned half a book to read and a paper to write on it- not thinking about that right now.
-wrote my music paper
-stayed after for vocal practice and got to leave early!
-went to the library and picked up my movies and the last Song of the Lioness book on audiobook (they didn't have the regular book). Not sure how I like the Song of the Lioness. I liked the first two books, but I'm not sure about the last two yet.
-did the last performance of Living Stations and it was PACKED!
-Got home at a quarter to ten, my sister at a cast party, and finished my paper for music. It was supposed to be 4 pages, but I only got 3 and a half. I'll take the points off, and I turned it in at 11:30. My teacher was kind enough to extend the due date for me from St. Patrick's day to March 23 since I didn't realize it was due on Mar 17 until the 19th. oops. (a week after the concert I was supposed to see, which was March 10th. Didn't get that little detail) I got it in with 30 minutes to spare.
-got into bed crying I was so tired- midnight
-slept in until about 9 or 9:30- my siblings woke me up
-showered for the first time since Tuesday (gross, I know, but I had NO TIME at all and felt really nasty. I'm clean now though)
-ate breakfast (toasted maple brown sugar pop tarts and chai tea... I'm weird, I know...)
-tried to go on webkinz since my sister dragged me to Justice and they had the lil kinz on sale for $3, and this adorable husky caught my eye. His name is Sterling.
-reading response 3 for writing
-all said sociology stuff
-watch movies :) (
Juno and
-eat lunch
-take a nap
-practice piano
-practice french horn (We're learning the music from
How to Train Your Dragon in band- it's pretty epic. If that link doesn't work, try
this one. Still have to keep practicing Nocturne)
-learn to sing "Pie Jesu"
-learn to sing "Last Rose of Summer"
-post me singing "Home" to youtube
-ditto with Journey to the past... wait, should record that again...with Sadie as Pooka!
*am listening to How to Train Your Dragon and it's making me happy because it's waking me up. Seriously, this song can't not make you smile or wake up. If you haven't seen the movie yet, you HAVE TO. It's got enough adventure for boys to like, and it's cute and cool enough for girls. Seriously, I really like this movie.*
Oh, and I heard a version of
The Polar Express for band and it's so epic, I want to play it for Christmas! (
actually, several versions)
Bye peoples. Will post poems in a sec.