Saturday, April 14, 2012

Updates and Aladdin

So after some research, I have come to the conclusion that I did, in fact, suffer from a grade 1 (ie minor) concussion on Thursday night.  I also talked to several people and figured out how I hurt myself.  Going back to the doodles, this is what happened:

Yeah, so... it was very interesting telling my college friends I had a concussion:
ME: Yeah, so I got a concussion last night...
THEM: *concerned* How?  What happened?
ME: Well, it's a weird story, but...I got thrown by a Beast on stage and hit my head.
THEM: O...kay...
:D  I told my band director and she was like "You got a concussion?" It was kinda funny.  Apparently I take too good of care of myself to get concussions, in her mind, anyway.

So, I was watching Aladdin last night- forgot how much I loved that movie- but the DVD was scratched.  So I skipped from Aladdin's first wish- to be a prince- to Jafar taking the lamp and Jasmine trapped in an hourglass.  The movie skipped the whole second act!!! The best part!!!
However, I did not miss a certain part.  When Aladdin wakes up after Jafar traps him in the cave thing and he falls and all that- he says "Oh... my head!"
and I immediately thought "Oh my gosh, Aladdin has a concussion, too!!!!! AHH!!!"  Then the poor guy meets genie and is like "Maybe I hit my head harder than I thought!"

Oh..  Okay- I just really liked that
 I should really go work on editing stage play portfolios- I have dress rehearsal today and shall be very busy.  Adios!

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