Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Things I've learned about driving...and having a car

So, here's my list of things that I've learned about being responsible for a car and driving it around (since I have to drive to get to school and I drive all over the place and whatnot)
  1. Don't leave water bottles with water in them in your car in the middle of winter, especially if it's freezing outside
  2. If you hear a little beep when you open the door to leave, it means you've done something stupid, like left your lights on or left the keys in the ignition.  If you do that, you may end up needing a jump... and that's never fun when you're stranded in a parking lot without jumper cables.
  3. One way streets are CONFUSING! especially when you're turning out of a store or something and don't realize that there's a one way street divided by a median, and you have no choice but to go in the opposite direction that you want to go.
  4. Detours.  Enough said.
  5. Don't leave chicken in your car for a week.  It smells. (and I thought I didn't like it when it was fresh!) PU!
  6. Clean up after yourself.  You'll thank yourself later.
  7. Lock the doors if you want to keep stuff safe- but ONLY if you have the keys IN YOUR HAND!
  8. Learn to close your glovebox, especially if it has the trunk pop button inside
  9. Don't overstuff said glovebox.
  10. It's easier just to open the trunk with your keys, unless you're lazy and left them in the house to grab your backpack out of the trunk...
  11. Remember that dress you stuck in the trunk for the NHS induction ceremony you didn't need?  It's still there.  Don't forget it (because it's awesome and you got it at goodwill)
  12. Be careful when changing CDs of your audiobook.  Wait until you're stopped.  I don't care how interesting the story is.  Or the fact that it's full cast audio.  Safety first, Haili!
  13. You can sing and drive at the same time.  But driving is more important.
And now that I've given you thirteen things I've learned, I'm going to recommend that you read Thirteen Reasons Why because it just popped into my head.  It's about a girl who commits suicide and leaves tapes for all the people she's left behind.  It's sad, but interesting.  Not my usual fantasy-esqe read, but good all the same.

Also, if you have time, you should watch this video
INSANE!!! How does he do it??

The beginning of this post was from ages ago... and I have no clue what happened to the post that I tried to do yesterday.  Computers like to delete stuff.  I had a dream about monologues- I'll write more about that, blind babies, and give you my reasons for doing Script Frenzy later.

Oh, update on Script Frenzy- 21 pages!  Okay, about five of them are just place holders for scenes yet to be written, but still.  I'm working on it.  (I wrote scenes 3 and 6, so scenes 1, 2, 4, and 5 are just one page things that say stuff like "SCENE 1 "A is for Alone"" I have two pages of characters.  Lots of them.

Need to do homework now.

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