Saturday, April 28, 2012

How in Keidreiy do I find these people?

So, I have this odd habit of finding people who could literally be my clones.

EXHIBIT A: Rebecca
I met a girl in my math class last semester named Rebecca.  Her favorite color is purple and she always wears these purple converse shoes.  I love purple, and my parents were going to name me Rebecca Rose.  I found out that her parents were going to name her my full name.  Weird, right?  Oh, and her favorite Disney princess is Belle (same as me) and she's even got a Belle sticker on her phone.  She's just as Disney crazy as I am and quilts, which is something I'd like to try.  She plays the violin and loves classical music.  I can play "Oh Come Little Children" on the violin and wish I could play more, and I love Vivaldi and Clementi.  And Beethoven, though my relationship with his music is more of a love-hate.  He's such a weirdo.  Seriously.  Rebecca also likes writing and if I remember right, she did Camp NaNo at some point.  She's also (legitly) ADD, something I think I have sometimes, so talking to her is so much fun because her brain moves as fast as mine.

EXHIBIT B: Mia (of Aperture Mittens, Hello World, and The Inkblots)
Ah, Mia.  (pronounced like Maya, by the way.  Will never look at Mee-a the same way again!)  Her full name is only a few letters off of mine and its very awesome.  Her initials are MMG and mine are MCG.  Kinda cool, right?  She's the one who introduced me to the insanity that is NaNoWriMo.  Yay!  She loves writing and reading and the Bible and playing violin.  She also loves photography. (see Aperture Mittens- that's her photo blog)  I would get into photography except I'm really bad with cameras.  I don't know why.  Their batteries die on me, SD cards get lost, screens break, pictures get deleted, camera gets lost... Maybe I should just avoid cameras altogether.  Anyway, Mia's awesome.  She also knows the ever-elusive Ellyn Gibbs, whom all of my friends are friends with (seriously, Melissa from elementary school knows her from church, as does Amy from the school I attend, and Mia from my college... it's weird... seriously creepy) Ellyn Gibb's book Torn Heart? Mia is the girl on the cover.  (apparently because she was the only one of Ellyn's friends with short hair- the heroine has short hair)  Cool, huh?

EXHIBIT C: McCaila (the creepiest of them all- I'm serious- she could be my long lost twin)
So about a year ago, Elli got a Make-A-Wish because her heart condition is life-changing. (stuff doesn't have to be terminal, I guess...) Anyway, we went on a Disney cruise, which was awesome.  I was hanging out in the teen area and they were having this get-to-know you game.  So they had us arrange ourselves by birthdays.  I hung out with the Decembers, and began asking, "Hey, what day's your birthday?" just to be friendly.  And the chances of a group having two people with the same birthday is something crazy- like 65%.  I was telling them my birthday, December 10th, and someone said, "Hey, she's got a December 10th birthday, too."  So I go over to say hi to this girl.  Here's our conversation:
ME: So, your birthday's December 10th?  What year?
HER: 1994.
ME: Whoa, me too!  That's crazy.  What's your name?
HER: McCaila.
ME: Me too!
HER: I spell it really weird.  (and here's where I started going bonkers)
ME: So do I!  How do you spell it?
ME: M I C H A I L A.  Only like two letters off.  That's weird.
HER: Middle name?
ME: Christine
HER: Susan.
ME: That's my grandma's name!
SOME RANDOM LEADER: Okay, now arrange yourselves by shoe size.
ME and HER look at each other
ME: What size do you wear?
HER: 5 1/2
ME: Me, too!
HER: No way.
ME: Whoa.  This is getting creepy.
HER: What do you like doing?
ME: I play piano, french horn and guitar.
HER: I play piano and bass.
ME: Whoa.
ME: You like writing, right?
HER: Yep.
ME: Acting?
HER: Yep.  I directed a play and I'm writing one right now.
ME: Okay, that is downright scary.  I'm directing a play now- and I've written plays for years.
We continue to talk about Shakespeare and other random stuff.  She even looked kinda like me- brown hair, brown eyes, on the shorter side but still taller than me.  I sadly, do not have a picture of her- didn't have my camera with at the time.
The creepiest part?  I never saw her again.  I searched her on the internet, but couldn't find her.  I don't remember her last name and all I know is that she's McCaila Susan ???? from Canada who was born December 10th, 1994.

Yeah- I just searched the internet again.  I found a couple of McCailas from Canada.  Now, if I could just find her...


  1. ahaha, this made me laugh!! you have such affinity for it. :) that whole McChaila story is pretty uncanny :)

    thanks for being're pretty cool as well!!

    1. Thanks, Mia. This post was supposed to include Story Girl (a blogger I found) who is uncannily similar to me. However, I got too wrapped up in the McCaila story and forgot. :D
