Monday, March 5, 2012


Drumroll please... *drumroll ensues*

I am playing... Madame Rondeau!  (note to self: learn how to spell last name) Here's a link to the google books version of the script. My big scene is at the beginning...Here it is...

Liz is Beauty (big surprise) Amy got Helen, her dream role, and Jeremiah is the beast.  There's no prince yet, but Matt is Greedo (or Graspo, can't remember) My friend Cy is the captain and we have a whole boatload of Princesses (2 sets of five...) and enchanted objects (again, 2 sets)

How do I feel?  Well, I am a little disappointed.  It would have been really fun to play Beauty, but Liz is a senior, and she is naturally sweet and has Beauty's character, where I'm a little more... rough on the edges.  I really like Madame Rondeau's lines (read the beginning of the script- it's funny.  BEAST: I AM NOT KIND!!!! MADAME RONDEAU: You are not kind... I forgot, you are not kind...) But she doesn't do a lot of singing... and last musical I got a part that didn't have a lot of singing... *sigh*

Well, it's okay.  I do like my part, so I guess I'm happy... more later, I've got to get to class.

Hey, about our puppy- what do ya'll think of Sandy?  We're calling her Sadie now, but it's such a popular name, I don't like it.  Sandy's close enough.


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