Friday, September 7, 2012

Something Random This Way Comes


Anything else I need to say?

No, not really.  Just spent a bunch of time on facebook when I should've been working on homework.  Been listening to Suessical soundtrack, and Hercules, half-wishing I was a guy so that I could sing "Alone in the Universe" and "Go the Distance" and "Proud of Your Boy" a deleted song from Aladdin.  Is my lack of a Y chromosome going to stop me from singing this song?  No way, Jose.  I've already sung "Proud of Your Girl" and worked on "Alone in the Universe" last night.  Also made up a tune to my friend Myriah's lyrics, "My Soul Has a Song"  She wanted a country song, and I don't listen to a lot of country, but I think I did pretty good.  (Here's a video of me just playing it.  For the 5th time ever.)
Yeah, I screwed up, but it works.  I'm going to have to work on it and get a nicer version up later.  Sound country?

Need to go do homework.  But my goodness, I love my webcam.  So much.

Bye, Haili's out.

REMIND ME LATER: Get your writing reviewed, but you retain copyright- all they can do is show people.  And once you take the writing down, you retain all rights and can publish it and stuff.  And they do novels.  Yay!

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