Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Irish stuff!

Finished my music project this weekend- you can take a look here.  Enjoy.  I made all the videos (except the one at the end) and only had to record the 16 second Irish jig.  The rest I had from last spring... it was weird.
Anyway, in case you're too lazy to look at my project, I'll post the videos I uploaded on here. 
Irish Jig
It's like 16 seconds... it's short

Evening Reels
From my recital last spring

Be Thou My Vision
recorded this for a project last spring...never used it...
 and last but certainly not least

Loch Lomond
Did this in honor band in 10th grade...it was amazing!!! this video's long, but watch the whole thing, because it's totally worth it to hear the french horns (my instrument of choice) play at the end... I did all the videoing on this but did not do the music.  I LOVE THIS SONG!!!!

Other things I'm working on/excitited about
  • French horn solo, the Nocturne from "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by Mendelssohn
  • Piano solo, Grieg's Puck (it's so fun!!! I've got it memorized...)
  • The musical!!! I got the music and script to read and practice... need to get my voice up to the high f, and auditions are coming up at the end of the month.  Plus my friend just told me the other day that she wants to play Helen... so at least we're not going to be competeing for the same part.  That's nice since she's really competitive.  I'm not going to be mean about it, but it's just the way she is.
  • Passed my astronomy test with an A
  • am working on several screenplays, "Twice Upon a Time" and "Night at the Library" a short film my siblings and friends and I are doing or the library movie competition this summer.  It's kind of a mix between Inkheart and Night at the Museum. Who knows what happens after the library closes at night?  Libby Akona is about to find out...
  • Am going to see 25th Annual Putnum County Spelling Bee this Friday
  • am going to Feed My Starving Children on Friday and get to spend the day with my friend...
  • My idea for an awareness campaign in my small group communications class (our big project is running a campus awareness campaign this semester) will probably get picked.  It's how to use campus technology... and how not to save your stuff in a place where they'll be deleted...
  • I lost 7 pounds...
I need to go now... I've got class in 15 minutes... adios!

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