Thursday, January 19, 2012

French horn solos and musical themes- I'm Bored!

So, I'm learning this song called "Puck" by Edvard Greig (youtube it- I can't play it near that fast yet) and it's based off of the creature Puck, made famous by Shakespeare's use in "A Midsummer Night's Dream" He's a pretty cool character, and I like him, and the song is fun to play.

Now, in band, we're doing our annual "solo and ensemble" concert, or Dessert Concert.  I have to play a solo or in an ensemble on French horn (my band instrument) because my band director won't let me do a piano solo, which I assure you, I have plenty of.  Anyhoos, I thought I was going to play a piece called "Andromeda" by Beethoven (I liked it at first because there's a character in When the Stars Fall named Andromeda who goes by Andi and I really like her and the name) But it cost almost $6 for the sheet music.  Then I found not one, but 2, possibly 3 (last one has some range issues I'd have to work out and arrange to be goes in the bass clef and for a french horn, that is LOW) amazing solos that I like better- and best of all, they're all free. (Thanks So now I'm either playing the Finale from Swan Lake (the really mysterious and deep song at the end- it's gorgeous) or a Mendelssohn Nocturne from...wait for it... "A Midsummer Night's Dream"! Okay... I'm starting to catch a theme here...

I'm bored, but I've just discovered a way to entertain myself!  Watch skaters on youtube!!! Elli skates, and I like watching- I couldn't skate if my life depended on it... well, maybe... I may have to think about that.  I might be able to slip and slide and "skate" to flee someone, but if someone told me I had to win a competition or die- I'd die.
Elli wouldn't, lucky thing.

au reviaur

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