Thursday, November 24, 2011

NaNoWriMo Crazy

It's nearly ten o clock at night and I fear that I will never finish my novel.
Here are my "sick cats" or distractions that I have had during the month of November that have drained my poor word count (which by the way is currently 32,630)
1. massive term paper on genetic engineering
2. jump drive dying, taking with it 2,115 words (I know because my word count for the day was negative)
3. plot sinkhole (I escaped it by making my main character fall into a sinkhole in the middle of battle)
4. writer's block (obviously)

So anyway, following my sinkhole and negative word count, I began writing random scenes that didn't happen until much much later just to get my count up.  I changed Casthaven to Cast Haven and all the into's into in to's.  I've added the word 'that' a lot and created a culture that does not use contractions.  But despite all of this I still have 6.2 days to write, according to the NaNo website, 17,370 words.  *sigh*

It's beginning to look hopeless, but I can't give up.  My NaNo novel is called "Never Give Up" so I guess I can't, right?

oh, dear...

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